Oct 28, 2018
Jim & Wendy Norvelle: "Our story is not unusual, but it is our story, and it occurred in compressed time. In four months, my sister, my mother, and my father died..."
Oct 28, 2018
Jim Somerville: "We do have a concept of heaven, and one of the easiest answers to the problem of suffering in this world is to say, 'Well, in the next world things will be better.' But where did we get such an idea? If Job didn’t have it, why do we...?"
Oct 21, 2018
Josie Carver: "In our story, blindness is a physical condition. But what of all the many familiar, metaphorical phrases that refer to vision? 'Seeing is believing.' 'A lens for the world' or 'point of view'. 'Even a blind pig finds an acorn occasionally' and 'a deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple'..."