Dec 27, 2015
Ann Carter: "This fall, when the refugee crisis began hitting the news circuits, I paid attention. Since the start of the Arab Spring of 2010, I have been watching with prayerful interest as events unfold..."
Dec 20, 2015
Jim Somerville: "I've been thinking about the international students who have been visiting with us recently, and wondering how well they know [the Christmas] story. ... So, with your permission, let me tell this story as if I were telling it to someone who had never heard it before, and let me start at the very...
Dec 13, 2015
Jim Somerville: "Several weeks ago I preached a sermon on the Bible, and suggested that the Bible is 'a love letter from God.' One of the people who heard that sermon was six-and-a-half-year-old Madelyn El-Khouri..."
Dec 6, 2015
Jim Somerville: "I was at the Jewish Community Center last week for my regular Tuesday night workout when one of my Jewish friends asked, "Are you waiting for Advent at your church?"'