Jan 30, 2020
Dr. Scott Spencer: January 29 – Re-Visioning the Universe: Apocalyptic Revelation
Jan 26, 2020
Jim Somerville: "I remember seeing a man in a light blue baseball cap, with these words printed on the front: 'He who dies with the most toys wins.' I laughed when I saw it because it was a joke, right? Nobody really believes that. But then I began to look around..."
Jan 23, 2020
Dr. Scott Spencer: January 22 – Reading Someone Else’s Mail: Apostolic Letters
Jan 19, 2020
Dr. Jim Somerville's homily from the deacon ordination service, January 19, 2020.
Jan 19, 2020
Jim Somerville: "Envy is when you can’t be happy unless someone else is miserable..."