Sep 30, 2018
Jim Somerville: "Today we come to the Book of Esther. Good and faithful Jews share this story every year during the feast of Purim, and they have a lot of fun with it. Sometimes, it sounds something like this..."
Sep 23, 2018
Dorothee Marks: "God has a different perspective. Traditional rules are being transformed for the sake of the Gospel. Where do we see God's perspective in our lives? Do we live in the image of Christ, even when this means to break a traditional rule...?"
Sep 23, 2018
Jim Somerville: "What if there were a movie where we got to see what the world would look like if women had never been born? I'm afraid it would be like that novel, 'Lord of the Flies', where a bunch of boys end up running around a deserted island, with mud smeared on their faces like war paint, carrying wooden spears,...